Sunday, February 25, 2007

Another Year, Another Nail

I didn't want to make a new post, because that would unacceptably bury the 'AWESOME' motivational picture. I couldn't have that... yeah that's exactly why I haven't posted.

But anyway it's a new year, even according to the Chinese now, so we can all be in agreement. Exactly three weeks until the new F1 season starts, and about half a year until standardized examinations through which I've decided to principally define myself.

Later in the summer seems to be when a number of high-expectation fiction books are scheduled to be released: William Gibson's "Spook Country;" Robert Charles Wilson's "Axis" which is the sequel to "Spin;" the next batch of high quality toilet paper from Frank Herbert's son; and Harry Potter 7. I dont know what else I'll be doing in July and August, but like any good addict, I'll probably be jonesing in September. Hopefully some good movies will be out around then.

Right now I'm watching a band play for recovering marathon runners across the street at the Superdome. The band had a crowd at one point. But the crowd people were just standing there, the only person dancing was a 3-year-old who seemed to be slowly headbanging. It seemed kind of lame, but then I thought, if people were dancing that would seem just as lame to me. But now the crowd is mostly gone, and there are two or three people lying down in front of the band, staring up at the sky. I don't know why, but lying down, in all honesty, seems to me like the most appropriate thing to do at a show.

By the way, I changed the blog description to reflect Domino's new and enraging tagline. Call any Domino's up and see for yourself. It's almost as good as the CASH CASH CYAAAAAASH!!! infomercials. Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! I can only hope it sticks.